Assignment: HLT 362 Applied Statistics

Sample Answer for Assignment: HLT 362 Applied Statistics Included After Question

HLT 362 Topic 1 DQ 1

How can graphics and/or statistics be used to misrepresent data? Where have you seen this done?

A Sample Answer For the Assignment: Assignment: HLT 362 Applied Statistics

Title: Assignment: HLT 362 Applied Statistics

Statistics has played a crucial role in the field of healthcare, providing valuable insights into disease patterns, treatment outcomes, and healthcare operations. This essay explores the historical application of statistics in healthcare and highlights an example where statistical application greatly influenced or changed healthcare operations or practice.

Historical Application of Statistics in Healthcare:

Since the early 19th century, statisticians have recognized the importance of data analysis in understanding health-related phenomena. Florence Nightingale’s contributions during the Crimean War are widely known, as she used statistical methods to analyze mortality rates and improve sanitation practices. However, there are other notable examples that have significantly impacted healthcare operations.


John Snow’s Cholera Investigation: One prominent example is John Snow’s investigation during the 1854 cholera outbreak in London. By mapping cases of cholera on a street-level map, Snow identified a cluster around a contaminated water pump on Broad Street. His statistical analysis provided evidence for waterborne transmission, challenging prevailing theories at the time. This breakthrough led to improved sanitation practices and revolutionized public health interventions.

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Impact on Health Care Operations:

The use of statistics has transformed various aspects of healthcare operations. For instance:

  1. Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance: Statistical methods enable epidemiologists to track disease patterns over time and space, identify risk factors, estimate disease burden, and inform preventive strategies.
  2. Clinical Trials: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) employ statistical techniques to assess treatment efficacy by comparing intervention groups with control groups. This approach ensures rigorous evaluation before new treatments are adopted into clinical practice.
  3. Quality Improvement Initiatives: Statistical process control charts help monitor healthcare processes over time, identify variations from desired standards, and implement corrective actions for continuous quality improvement.

The historical application of statistics has had a profound impact on healthcare operations by providing evidence-based insights for decision-making processes across various domains such as epidemiology, clinical trials, and quality improvement initiatives. The example of John Snow’s investigation demonstrates how statistical analysis can challenge prevailing beliefs leading to transformative changes in public health interventions. As we continue to advance technologically and accumulate vast amounts of data within healthcare systems today, it is crucial that statisticians collaborate closely with healthcare professionals to harness the power of statistics for improved patient outcomes and efficient healthcare delivery systems.

HLT 362 Topic 1 DQ 2

What are the characteristics of a population for which it would be appropriate to use mean/median/mode? When would the characteristics of a population make them inappropriate to use?

HLT 362 Topic 1 Questions to Be Graded Exercise 27


Use MS Word to complete “Questions to be Graded: Exercise 27” in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice. Submit your work in SPSS by copying the output and pasting into the Word document. In addition to the SPSS output, please include explanations of the results where appropriate.

HLT 362 Topic 1 Questions to Be Graded: Exercises 6, 8 and 9

Complete Exercises 6, 8, and 9 in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice, and submit as directed by the instructor.

HLT 362 Topic 2 DQ 1

Explain the importance of random sampling. What problems/limitations could prevent a truly random sampling and how can they be prevented?

HLT 362 Topic 2 DQ 2

Explain each sampling technique discussed in the “Visual Learner: Statistics” in your own words, and give examples of when each technique would be appropriate.


Assignment: HLT 362 Applied Statistics
Assignment: HLT 362 Applied Statistics

HLT 362 Topic 2 Questions to Be Graded: Exercise 10

Complete Exercise 10 in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice, and submit as directed by the instructor.

HLT 362 Topic 2 Questions to Be Graded: Exercise 26

Use MS Word to complete “Questions to be Graded: Exercise 26” in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice. Submit your work in SPSS by copying the output and pasting into the Word document. In addition to the SPSS output, please include explanations of the results where appropriate.

HLT 362 Topic 3 DQ 1

Explain when a z-test would be appropriate over a t-test.

HLT 362 Topic 3 DQ 2

Researchers routinely choose an alpha level of 0.05 for testing their hypotheses. What are some experiments for which you might want a lower alpha level (e.g., 0.01)? What are some situations in which you might accept a higher level (e.g., 0.1)?

HLT 362 Topic 3 Questions to Be Graded: Exercises 16 and 17

Complete Exercises 16 and 17 in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice, and submit as directed by the instructor.

HLT 362 Topic 3 Questions to Be Graded: Exercises 31 and 32

Use MS Word to complete “Questions to be Graded: Exercises 31 and 32” in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice. Submit your work in SPSS by copying the output and pasting into the Word document. In addition to the SPSS output, please include explanations of the results where appropriate.

HLT 362 Topic 4 DQ 1

How would you explain the analysis of variance, assuming that your audience has not had a statistics class before?

HLT 362 Topic 4 DQ 2

What is an interaction? Describe an example and identify the variables within your population (work, social, academic, etc.) for which you might expect interactions?

HLT 362 Topic 4 Questions to Be Graded: Exercise 18

Complete Exercise 18 in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice, and submit as directed by the instructor.

HLT 362 Topic 4 Questions to Be Graded: Exercise 33

Use MS Word to complete “Questions to be Graded: Exercise 33” in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice. Submit your work in SPSS by copying the output and pasting into the Word document. In addition to the SPSS output, please include explanations of the results where appropriate.

HLT 362 Topic 5 DQ 1

Describe the error in the conclusion. Given: There is a linear correlation between the number of cigarettes smoked and the pulse rate. As the number of cigarettes increases the pulse rate increases. Conclusion: Cigarettes cause the pulse rate to increase.

HLT 362 Topic 5 DQ 2

Now that you are familiar with the basic concepts of statistics, what are some examples of when you have seen or heard statistics used inappropriately?

HLT 362 Topic 5 Questions to Be Graded: Exercises 14 and 19

Complete Exercises 14 and 19 in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice, and submit as directed by the instructor.

HLT 362 Topic 5 Questions to Be Graded: Exercises 29 and 35

Use MS Word to complete “Questions to be Graded: Exercises 29 and 35” in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice. Submit your work in SPSS by copying the output and pasting into the Word document. In addition to the SPSS output, please include explanations of the results where appropriate.

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